When you think of whole grains, many people automatically think of whole wheat flour, bulgur, oatmeal and brown rice. Conversely, there is a long list of whole grain options, including quinoa, buckwheat, triticale and sorghum. Sorghum is a whole grain food commonly found in Indian, African and Asian cuisine. Sorghum is an abundant crop grown in the United States due to its natural drought tolerance and versatility in its use, although it’s not currently a very popular grain in the U.S., despite it being nutritious and gluten-free.
Myth: You shouldn’t eat sorghum if you adhere to a gluten-free dietary pattern.
Fact: On the contrary, sorghum is gluten-free and it’s a great alternative for those who have Celiac disease or follow a gluten-free diet. A study published by the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry analyzed the genome of sorghum and determined that gluten is absent in all varieties of sorghum.
Myth: Sorghum is mostly used for animal feed; it’s not for human consumption.
Fact: Sorghum is used for animal feed, but it’s also starting to make its way into human consumption in the U.S. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization, the world food consumption of sorghum has remained stagnant because it’s considered in many countries as an inferior grain. In the past, sorghum has mostly been used to produce ethanol, as an animal feed or to create a molasses syrup.
Myth: Sorghum is a grain that is commonly found in foods.
Fact: Over the last couple of years, sorghum has grown in popularity as a healthy, multifaceted food in the U.S., Yet, the primitive grain has been a leading food source around the world for thousands of years. According to “Simply Sorghum,” sorghum is the fifth most important cereal grain crop in the world. The United States is ranked as the largest producer of sorghum grain. Sorghum is now being introduced into many popular brands such as Kind bars, Kellogg’s cereals and Ronzoni pastas as an “ancient grain.” sBe sure to look for sorghum listed under the ingredients list.
Myth: Eating sorghum will help to boost my immunity.
Fact: Yes, sorghum may help to boost immunity. Sorghum grain contains iron and quality protein, which helps strengthen the immune system and oxygen-carrying capacity in the blood. Recent research has shown that some sorghum varieties have anti-inflammatory and immune health benefits. As well, preliminary research has shown specific types of sorghum grain are rich in antioxidants, more than blueberries, which may help lower the risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes and some neurological diseases.
Recipe developed by Carrie Dennett, simplysorghumhttp://americansorghum.com/sorghum-next-cool-food/.com
For the salad:
1 cup whole grain sorghum
4 cups water
1 can chickpeas (garbanzo beans), rinsed and drained
1 English cucumber, peeled and chopped
1/3 cup toasted walnuts, coarsely chopped
3 green onions, chopped
1 cup cherry tomatoes, cut in half
1 cup chopped fresh Italian parsley (you can swap part of this for fresh oregano or basil)
½ cup crumbled feta cheese
For the dressing:
1/4 cup olive oil
3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1 garlic clove, minced
1 teaspoon sea salt or to taste
Freshly ground pepper to taste
Rinse and drain the sorghum. Bring the water to boil in a medium saucepan, then add the sorghum. Cover, reduce heat and simmer for 45 minutes or until tender. Cool sorghum to room temperature, fluffing with a fork occasionally.
Meanwhile, make the dressing and prep the rest of the ingredients.
In a large bowl, combine the next four ingredients (chickpeas through green onions). Add the sorghum and gently stir to combine. Drizzle the dressing over the contents and stir again. Add the cherry tomatoes, fresh herbs and feta cheese and gently fold to combine. Adjust salt and pepper to taste, and serve.
Source: https://www.jacksonville.com/entertainmentlife/20181127/goods-sorghum-finding-its-way-into-us-diet